"Pan de Muerto" - Day of the Dead Sweet Bread


I love this time of the year- not only because Halloween is around the corner but also the celebration of the Day of the Dead, a national Mexican festival. The Day of the Dead or "Dia de los Muertos" is a meaningful festival for all Mexicans who remember and honour their loved ones who have passed away. The most representative ritual about this celebration is the alter or shrine. The alters can be simple or complex with an integrate array of flowers, food, drinks or other included items that remind them of their loved ones. These alters can be seen throughout Mexico in cemeteries, homes or at work. The most common food item during this festival is "Pan de Muerto"-  Day of the Dead Bread or Bread of the Dead. This rich eggy dough is delicious and slightly sweet and best enjoyed with a big mug of Mexican hot chocolate. Yumm . . .

Overall, Mexican bread contains culture, playfulness, humour and a unique taste from each region with traditional artisan taste.


"Pan de Muerto" Recipe:


4 1/2 cups of flour + 1/4 cup for dusting 
4 tsp of dry yeast
200 ml of milk
3/4 cup of sugar
1/2 tsp of salt
2 eggs
1/2 cup of soften butter
1 orange for zest
1 tsp of vanilla


Heat milk to lukewarm temperature in a saucepan or microwave (30 seconds or more depending on your microwave power).

Mix yeast, 1/2 cup of flour, 1/4 cup of sugar and lukewarm milk in medium bowl and set aside in a warm spot for 7 minutes or until it has a foamy consistency.

Combine the remaining flour (4 cups), sugar (1/2 cup), and salt in a large bowl and then form a well in the middle; to add the eggs, butter, orange zest, vanilla and the yeast mixture. Mix wet and dry ingredients gradually to form dough.

Knead the dough on a lightly floured surface, for 10 to 15 minutes or until elastic and smooth. It should spring back when poked.

1st Rise: Place the dough in a greased bowl (I used vegetable oil) and cover with a cloth or plastic wrap. Place the dough in a warm spot of your kitchen until the dough doubles in size about 1 hour or so.

Shape Buns: To remove air bubbles punch down dough and then transfer to a floured counter. Reserve 1/4 of the dough for decoration. To have uniform buns, weigh dough balls to 60 grams each. Place balls on a greased tray and press lightly with your palm. Next, roll 2 strings (about 10 cm each) and then with 3 fingers press and roll to form dough-like bones. Then, place the two dough bones intersecting each other on the dough ball. Next, roll a small ball to place on top of the intersecting bones. Repeat this process for all dough balls.

2nd Rise: Cover the tray and place in a warm spot for 1 hour or until doubled in size.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees ( 175C ) and bake for 15-18 minutes or until golden brown.

Glaze: Melt about 3 tbsp of unsalted butter and brush the buns, then sprinkle them with white sugar (be generous with the sugar :) .

Make 2 String Bones and 1 Small Ball
Intersect the String Bones 
Brush Buns w/ Butter and Sprinkle Sugar

Happy baking! :)

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